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How to solve a Rubik's cube

The Rubik’s cube consists of multiple layers, each of which has its own algorithm for solving it. Additionally, the layers are all interconnected, so even seemingly small moves on one layer will have ripple effects across the entire puzzle. With so many moving parts and complex interactions between them, solving a Rubik’s cube can be painstakingly difficult. However, with this app, you will be able to solve your cube quickly and learn by practicing instead of simply reading or watching tutorials.

There are a lot of common strategies and moves when it comes to solving a cube. As you learn more about solving cubes, you’ll encounter common terms and vernacular. Here are some foundational things to know in cube solving.


An edge piece on a Rubik’s cube is the part where two visible colors meet. There are 12 edges in total.


As expected, a corner piece is located in the corner of each side of the cube. They have three visible colors, and there are eight corners in total.


Center cubes are located in the center of each side and have one visible color. There are six in total, and, unlike the rest of the cubes, they do not move position. Because they are fixed, the color of the center cube is used to represent each side of the Rubik’s cube.


A side of the Rubik’s cube. A face may be referred to by its position as you are looking at it or by its center piece.


A 3×1 set of pieces that can be turned on the cube.

Top Layer (T)

As you are looking at your Rubik’s Cube, this is the top layer of the cube. 

Bottom Layer (b)

Opposite the top layer (T), the bottom layer is on the bottom of your cube. Note the shorthand symbol is a lowercase letter b, while the top layer symbol is an uppercase letter T.

Front Layer (F)

The layer in front of you as you hold and look at the cube.

Back Layer (B)

The layer opposite the front layer.

Right Layer (R)

The layer on the right side of the cube, between the front and back layers.

Left Layer (L)

The layer on the left side of the cube, between the front and back layers, opposite the right layer.


A turn is one quarter of a rotation of a layer in a clockwise direction. In simpler terms, when you move one layer clockwise, you’re performing a “turn”. This is generally considered one move. All of the symbols above default to mean one single turn in written instructions. However, when the symbol is underlined, it indicates a counterclockwise turn. For example, if an instruction says L it means turn the left layer clockwise. If it says L it means turn the left layer one quarter rotation counterclockwise.

Double Turn (‘ ‘)

A double turn is a one half rotation of a layer in the clockwise direction. It is indicated by quotation marks. Continuing with the example above, if an instruction says ‘L’, it indicates a double turn on the left layer in the clockwise direction.

Now that you know some of the terminology, you can have more confidence as you learn the steps and methods for solving a Rubik’s cube.

The Fridrich Method 

The Fridrich Method is named after its creator, Jessica Fridrich, and is widely considered to be the most efficient way to solve a Rubik’s cube. It involves four main steps:

1. Orient the top layer: The first step is to orient the top layer so that the center pieces are in their correct positions and the edge pieces are in the correct orientation.

2. Solve the middle layer: Next, you will need to solve the middle layer, which involves positioning the edge pieces correctly and aligning them with the center pieces.

3. Solve the top layer: Once the middle layer is solved, you can move on to solving the top layer. This involves positioning the edge pieces correctly and then solving the corners.

4. Permute the last layer: The final step is to permute the last layer, which involves swapping the positions of the corner and edge pieces to complete the cube.

It’s worth noting that there are many different methods and algorithms that can be used to solve a 3×3 Rubik’s cube, and the specific steps and techniques will vary depending on the method you choose to use.